
Success Stories

Here's how we've helped

We assist businesses in the Perth metropolitan area and regional Western Australia. Though Lawrence is now one of the largest mid-tier accounting firms in Perth - with the resources and expertise to match - we are still dedicated to providing a personalised service normally associated with a much smaller organisation.

See how Lawrence has helped in a variety of situations below - and how we can help you, too!

Lawrence Group

John’s Business Debt is Solved

About John

John’s business was struggling with debt

John was an existing Lawrence client who sought advice as his business was asset rich but cash poor. This was a result of the downturn of the construction and mining industry, and it had impacted the cashflow in their business.

They had large debt against their commercial property and their bank was putting pressure on them in relation to breaching their reporting covenants.

John needed a fresh pair of eyes and expert advice to take the pressure off and help with the burden of debt.

Lawrence Group

Jane Says Goodbye to Bookkeeping Headaches

About Jane

Jane’s Not-for-Profit has a bookkeeping nightmare

Jane had several years of incorrect data entry throughout her bookkeeping system (MYOB) that was causing issues for her reporting with GST, Payroll and Super.

Jane tried to solve the problem in house and attempted the job of transferring their bookkeeping software from MYOB to Xero, which caused more problems!

After struggling with this issue, Jane knew that her team were in over their heads. They were unsure how to correctly enter the data for year-end reporting for the accountant. She was feeling out of control and lost on how to fix the problem.

Lawrence Group

David Gets His Financial Life Back on Track

About David

David needed to find a solution and fast to his ATO crisis

David discovered his former business partner had not lodged any BAS, tax returns or compliance documentation for his business for 8 years.

As if this wasn’t enough bad news, he found that they had not been paying Super and had $155,000 ATO debt.

As a result, David had not been able to even pay himself a wage for his work. His business partner was still working in the business and had withdrawn significant funds for private use.

David needed Lawrence accountants to help him save his business before the ATO closed it down.


These case studies are based on actual outcomes we have achieved for real people. Their names and photographs have been changed to protect their privacy. The material contained on this website and within these case studies is general commentary only. None of the material is, or should be regarded as advice. Accordingly, no person should rely on any of the contents of this website without first obtaining specific advice from Lawrence and we accept no responsibility to any person who acts or relies in any way on any of the material without first obtaining specific advice suited to their personal situation.

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    Whatever your business needs, we’re here to offer the best solution possible. Let us know what kind of advice you're seeking and we'll have an expert get back to you shortly.






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